Francisco Louzada
Francisco Louzada
Areas of Expertise
•Data Science, Statistical Machine Learning, Statistical Inference, Survival/Reliability Analysis, Time Series
Main Professional Activities
•2011- Full Professor at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Institute of Mathematical Science and Computing
•1999- CNPq Research Productivity Fellow, Level 1B
•2015- Director of the Center for Mathematics and Statistics Applied to Industry (CeMEAI)
•2013- Director of Technology Transfer and Executive Director of External Relations of the Center for Research, Innovation and Dissemination of Mathematical Science in Industry (CEPID-CeMEAI)
•2019- Director of the MBA in Data Science USP-ICMC-CeMEAI
Editorial Service
•2016-2018 Sankhya A (Springer)
Editorial Advisory Board
•2014- Journal of Applied Statistics (Taylor & Francis)
•2006- Revista Brasileira de Biometria (UNESP)
Associate Editor
•2014- Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (ABE/IMS)
•2018- Pesquisa Operacional (SABRAPO)
•2015- Communications in Statistics - three series (Taylor &
•2013- Quality Technology & Quantitative Management (QTQM) (Taylor & Francis)
•2012- Revista Brasileira de Estatística (IBGE/ABE)
Book Editorial Board
•2014- SpringerBriefs in Statistics - BSA (Springer)
•2006- Fisher Project of Statistical Books (Blucher)
Former Editorial Service
Editor in Chief
•2014-2018 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (ABE/
•2006-2012 Revista Brasileira de Estatística (ABE/IBGE)
Community Service
•2020- CIMAT, Mexico, Member of the External Evaluation Committee
•2018- Member of the Committee of External Evaluators of the Graduate Program in Statistics at the Institute of Mathematics of the UFRJ
•2019-2021- Officer Executive Committee of the International Association of Statistical Computing (IASC)
•2018- Member of the Assessment Advisory Committee of DAES-INEP
•2016-2018 Member of the Board of Directors of the Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (LARS-IASC)
•2008-2016- Member of the Internal Committee for Assessment of the Federal University of São Carlos
•2012-2014- Secretary of the Brazilian Chapter of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
•2012-2014 & 2016-2018- President of the Brazilian Statistical Association
•2011-2016- Member of the University Council of the Federal University of São Carlos
Welcome to my professional homepage
Av. Trabalhador Saocarlense, 400
13.566-590, São Carlos, SP
Tel. +55 16 3373 6614
Cel. +55 16 9786 3979
“Statistics is the grammar of Science” (J.Tukey)
“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.”
(John Maynard Keynes)
“Where there is will there is way.
Where there is patience, there is education.
Where there is love, there is kindness.
Learning from my kids!”
-2020 events canceled due to the COVID-19
-27-29-11-2019- VI WASA, Piracicaba
-18-20/11/2019- 2nd Conference on Stats &
DS, Salvador
-11-14/11/2019- XIX SEMAT e IX SEMEST,
UFU, Uberlândia
-31-01/11/2019- Advisor Committee
Workshop, São Carlos
-04/11/2019- Marista Ribeirâo Preto
-10-12/10/2019-Statistical Distributions and
Applications (ICOSDA2019), Michigan
-27/09/2019- INSPER, São Paulo
-10a12/09/2019- Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
-30/09/2019- UFRSG, Porto Alegre
-28-23/08/2019- ISI WSC 2019, Malaysia
-01-02/08/2019- RBRAS 2019, Cuiabá
-21-25/07/2019- 3rd BRICS Maths.
Conference, Innopolis, Russia
-08-12/07/2019- Workshop Res. Prob.
Industriais, São Carlos
-01-05/07/2019- Escola Mat. Apl., São Carlos
-28/06/2019- Data Science, Curitiba
-19-21/06/2019- VI COBAL, Lima, Peru
-28-31/05/2019- IV LACSC, Guayaquil,
-06-10/05/2019- V Semana Matemática,
UNIFAL, Alfenas
-24-29/03/2019- EMR 2019, Pirenópolis
-05-07/02/2019- VII Workshop on PSM, São
-18-21/12/2018- EMR-IBS 2018, Jerusalem,
-2018-11-27a29-Petrobras Expo Robótica, Rio
de Janeiro
-12-14/11/2018- 1st CSDS, Salvador.
-08/11/2018- Meeting with Petrobras, São
-07/11/2018- Meeting with Petrobras, São
-30/10/2018- Workshop Prob. Est. e
Aplicações. Porto Alegre
-23-24/11/2018- Semana Acadêmica
da Estatística. Santa Maria
-18/10/2018- 36a Semana de Estatística.
-16/10/2018- XII Encontro Científico de
Pós-Graduandos do IMECC, Campinas
-15/10/2018- 1a Semana da Matemática
da UFSCar, São Carlos
-01-05/10/2018- CLATSE 2018, Guadalajara,
-23-28/09/2018- SINAPE2018, São Pedro, SP.
-03-06/09/2018- Semana Estatística, Maringá.
-28-31/08/2018- CompStat, Romania
-08/08/2018- Meeting DAES-INEP, Brasília
-01/08/2018- Meeting with Dr. Leandro Mazzei, São Carlos.
-25/07/2018- Meeting with Petrobras, São Carlos.
-16-20/07/2018- 4th Workshop on Industrial
Problems, São Carlos.
-09-12/07/2018- Escola de Mat. Aplicada,
São Carlos.
-24-28/06/2018- ISBA, Edinburg, UK.
-23-25/05/2018- 63a RBRAS, Curitiba.
-14-16/05/2018- Pint of Science, Rib. Preto.
-09-11/05/2018- Seminars UFBA & CIDACS,
-23-27/04/2018- Class Recording, São Carlos
-21-23/03/2018- 3o EnGOPE, Goiânia.
-16/03/2018- Meeting FACENS/Splice,
São Carlos.
-14/02/2018- Meeting Data Science,
São Carlos.
-14-15/03/2018- IV WFA, São Carlos.
-05-09/03/2018- XIV EBEB, Rio de Janeiro.
-27/02-02/03/2018- II LACSC, San José, Costa
-20/02/2018- Meeting Raízen, São Carlos.
-05-07/02/2018- VI Workshop on PSM, São
-18-18-2017- III WIF, São Carlos
-08/12/2017- PBL-MECAI, São Carlos
-07/11-2017- Bombril, São Paulo
-17-20/10/2017, V ESAMP, Cuiabá
-16/10/2017, Avaliação CEPID-CeMEAI, São Carlos
-02/10/2017, aMostra, IME, USP, São Paulo
-29/09/2017-Round Table, IMEEC, UNICAMP,
-27-09-2017, Workshop Univ. ABC, Santo
-12-09-2017, Banco Votorantim, São Paulo
-31-08-2017, Entrevista Radio USP, São Paulo
-30-08-2017, Workshop Materiais Vitreos, São
-14-08-2017, Workshop Aprendizado Maquina,
São Paulo
-30/07-05/08/2017, 31 Colóquio Matemática,
Rio de Janeiro
-16-21/07/2017, ISI WSC 2017, Marrakech
-09-14/07/2016, 3td Study Group, São Carlos
-03/07/07/2017, CAPES, Brasília
-25/06/2016, Banca Titular, UFF, Niterói
-07-10/06/2015, V COBAL, México
-30/05/2017, Semana Estatística, UFPA, Belém
do Pará
-29/05/2017, Semana Estatística, UNB, Brasília
-26/05/2017, Seminários Coisas Legais, ICMC,
São Carlos
-15-17/05/2017, Pint of Science, São Carlos
-02-05/05/2017, VI Congreso de Matemática
Aplicada, Comodoro Rivadavia
-27/04/2017-Forum ITTS - Transito Seguro -
-12/04/2017-Meeting ICMC-DataScience
-11/04/2017-LABET-Motoristas-Rio de Janeiro
-03/2017. XV EMR, Goiânia
-09-11/03/2017, 2nd LACSC, Valparaiso, Chile
-19-22/12/2016,10th ICSA International
Conference, Shanghai
-30/11, 01-02/12/2016, 3rd WAR
-07-09/11/2016- BIN@SP2016, São Paulo
-19-21/10/2016- 5o Encontro Baiano de
Estatística, Salvador
-02-06/10/2016-CLAIO, Santiago, Chile
-29-30/09/2016, XIV Encontro Mineiro de
Estatística, Alfenas
-19/09/2016, Open Class, São Carlos
-05-09/09/2016-36a CNMAC, Gramado
-24-29/07/2016, 22nd SINAPE, Porto Alegre
-22-24/07/2016-LACSC, Gramado
-11-15/07/2016-2ndStudyGroup, São Carlos
-13/06/2016-Conference, São Carlos
-01-03/06/2016-SEst 2016. São Carlos
-23-25/05/2016, 61a RBRAS, Salvador
-20/05/2016- AFA (Awards for Caio Louzada), Pirassununga
-19/05/2016, Meeting PIPGEs, São Carlos
-12/05/2016, Club de Descoberta, São Carlos
-05-07/05/2016, International Workshop on
Industrial Mathematics, Campinas
-03/05/2016, Meeting at IME, São Paulo
-02/05/2016, Visit Faber-Castell, São Carlos
-27/04/2016, Conference, São Carlos
-18-20/04/2016, ERMAC, Bauru
-15/04/2016, ABE, São Paulo
-30/03/2016, Wokshop EMRAPA, São Carlos
-28/03/2016, SIGERES, Matão, SP
-22-23/03/2016, Workshop FAPESP, SP
-21-24/03/2016, Lectureship, IME-USP, SP
-22-26/02/2016, XIII EBEB, Belo Horizonte,
16/02/2016, Workshop em Reconhecimento
de Padrões Automação de Investimentos
Financeiros, São Carlos, Brazil
-01-03/02/2016, 4th WPSM, São Carlos,
Before: please see my Talks & Conferences.
Other Professional Activities
•2012- Coordinator of the Center for Risk Analysis (CER) ICMC-USP branch
•2013-2017- Deputy Director for Graduate Studies in Statistics, Inter-institutional Program USP/UFSCar
•2014- Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Professional Master Program in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Applied to Industry (CCP-MECAI)
•2014-2020- Member of the Directing Council of the Brazilian Statistical Association
•2015-2021- Coordinator Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa Centro de Matemática e Estatística Aplicadas à Indústria (NAP-CeMEAI)
I am a Professor of Data Science and Statistics in the Institute of Mathematical Science and Computing at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, and Director of Technology Transfer of the Center for Research, Innovation and Dissemination of Mathematical Science in Industry.
I am PhD in Statistics from University of Oxford (1998), Master in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from USP (1991) and Bachelor of Statistics from UFSCar (1988).
If you need, please don't hesitate to contact me.